AVATAR Project

A BMBF project for the Anonymisation of personal health data through the generation of digital avatars in the field of medicine and care.

A large amount of personal health data is currently available, but cannot be utilised due to existing data protection requirements. Our motivation in the project is to resolve this contradiction through a new anonymisation approach and to be able to use available data for better patient care, innovative product developments and efficient and short development times.

Find out more about the AVATAR project and its mission, involved partners and associated projects.

Open Science Lab

Open Science Labs represent a new approach to scientific research and collaboration. These labs aim to create an environment in which data, research methods and results are openly shared and accessible to all, regardless of geographical or institutional boundaries.


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News & Events

Find out all about upcoming events, latest news and recent publications in our News overview. Older events can be found in the Archive.

Save the date: Nationale Konferenz IT-Sicherheitsforschung 2025

Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung veranstaltet vom 17. bis 19. März 2025 die Nationale Konferenz IT-Sicherheitsforschung 2025 in Berlin. 

An allen Veranstaltungstagen erwartet Sie unter dem Leitthema „IT-Sicherheit und Demokratie“ ein abwechslungsreiches Programm mit Impulsen für die…

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Save the date: Kongress AnoSiDat 2025

Der Abschlusskongress des Forschungsnetzwerks Anonymisierung für eine sichere Datennutzung findet vom 28. bis 29. Oktober 2025 im AXICA-Kongresszentrum in Berlin statt. Die fünf Cluster AnoMed, AnigeD, ANYMOS, AVATAR und IIP sowie die 17 assoziierten Forschungsprojekte werden dabei Einblicke in ihre…

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Opening of the virtual Open Science Lab at the Long Night of Science

The Long Night of Science 2024 took place in Jena on November 22, 2024. AVATAR partners presented the research project at the Center for Applied Research and introduced visitors to rooms of the virtual Open Science Lab for the first time.

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Using health data - but safely!

Yesterday, 40 participants from science, business and industry came together to discuss the secure use of health data at the AVATAR workshop at the Center for Applied Research in Jena.

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Ask the lawyer

In the AVATAR project, we pay great attention to the data security and legal framework of our work. That is why we work closely with numerous lawyers in order to provide answers to pressing questions.


see FAQs

AVATAR statements

In our AVATAR statements section you will find current, project-related statements on problems or research results from our project. We would like to invite you to discuss these findings with us in a lively and controversial manner.


Our hearing functions through an interplay between the performance of our ears and the auditory processing in our brain. However, health data from neurology or ENT specialists, which could be used to better treat hearing loss, has so far remained largely inaccessible to hearing aid acousticians. AVATAR enables us to use anonymised data from related disciplines in order to gain a holistic picture of the patient and thus improve hearing rehabilitation.

Portrait Dr. Juliane Dettling-Papargyris
Dr. Juliane Dettling-Papargyris Scientific Director of the terzo Institute for Applied Hearing Research

EEG data contains many person-specific signals that can be used to re-identify patients. The amount of EEG data sets that are actually available for research is therefore currently completely inadequate. In the AVATAR project, we are therefore developing anonymisation procedures that make it easier to use EEG data in science and exchange it between clinics. Effective anonymisation is essential in order to advance research in this area and thus improve monitoring and therapy.

Portrait Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Haueisen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Haueisen Head of the Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMTI) at Ilmenau University of Technology

Project partners

18 different partners from medicine, science, business and IT law are involved in the AVATAR project. Get to know all the partners here.

Five randomly selected partners are shown above. All other partners and a description of their tasks and role in the AVATAR project can be found on the Partners page.


All project partners